Saturday, May 29, 2010


How do you come to terms with the fact that you aren't important. That maybe one day you could be...and that on some days you might be...but overall you don't matter. You don't warrant a don't matter enough to call. How do you live with that when you give all that you can, all that you are and all that you would ever desire to be to make someone happy.

when the circumstances are frustrating but you cannot do anything but stick them out. How do you deal with the emotions? When you love but are seen as a distraction or maybe not even given that much consideration. How do you handle the rejection, the love in your heart, the terms of the relationship? What do you do when you feel you know how you should act but to act that way would ruin any future hope because you are actually honest and pure in your intent and your behavior.

I am frustrated, used up, tired, and i just want the person who has my heart to give me the affection and love i deserve back. I understand why he can't but it doesn't make any day easier to get through or make it any easier to sleep at night.

I am just saying!


  1. I love it. And yes, I'm on here now. I just dont know how to get followers or whatever, but you'll find me I'm sure.

  2. yep~ you have been found sir! That the awesomeness commence!!



Relentless whispering spirit blows strangely after me. Wandering like a plum moon--deep summer sky He comes as gold breath...shadowy storm...