Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Smile on my Face

so it is amazing how life throws so many twists and turns at you.
i wish i was better at blogging...but i am working on it. i have discovered a new sense of discipline and anyone who knows me is probably saying, "its about time" :-)
But this discipline is the result of meeting someone new...i try whenever i meet someone to learn from them and to find something about them that i admire and need to apply to my life to become a better person. Well this story begins 2 months ago tomorrow. i was a bridesmaid in my little sister's wedding. i was heading to the rehearsal dinner dreading it because as beautiful as weddings are i hate the pomp and circumstance of it i had plans that evening that i was really excited for. so i get to the church...the only one of the bridal party there (the bride and groom wasn't even there) so i play on my phone for a forward...others arrive including all of the i am introduced to the guy that i am to walk with...of course i already spotted him...he was a cute guy with nice swag but he was the shortest and i KNEW i was going to be the shortest bridesmaid...we chat and laugh and joke and the ease of which it all is happening kinda takes me forward...our interactions continue through to the next day and after a very enlightening conversation of which i am sure that he isn't interested and he in the next breath surprises me by asking for my number...

well fast forward 2 months and things are progressing surprisingly well...i learned from the past to slow way down so i am holding on to my emotions and allowing things to develop slowly and he has taught me so much and has inspired me on so many different levels. This discipline that he exudes has rubbed off on my and i have become such a more productive person...i am more disciplined at work, at home, i exercise a very intense P90X workout EVERY night...haven't skipped yet and i am just so proud of myself.

Now am i not saying that this is my soulmate and my future is a lot of potential but i won't allow myself to get caught up like that yet...but i am so grateful that i have met him and have grown so much from knowing him...

this is not the direction that i wanted to go with this blog but i want to get back into the habit of blogging and the only way to do it is to this is the way it happened today and i will blog again soon!

Thanks for listening to my rambles.


  1. that's a beautiful thing...that you recognized something outside of your norm or comfort zone and give it an opportunity to influence you...and look at what happened :)...keep being self aware and open :)...excited for you...and welcome back!!

  2. welcome back and congradulations o yeah when you done with p90x can i borrow it?



Relentless whispering spirit blows strangely after me. Wandering like a plum moon--deep summer sky He comes as gold breath...shadowy storm...