Monday, February 4, 2013

Starting from the Beginning

"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might." Ecclesiastes 9:10

Joyce Meyers says in order to develop your have to start from the beginning. You cannot start at the finish line. You can't wait until things are perfect...but you must do. something. NOW!!! Just lay your hand to whatever is in that is front of you. Just move forward. One step at a time. I need to practice that myself.

Just. Move. Forward.

Doesn't it sound so much easier than it is to do?

It is such a process. And if you are anything like me, you need to have quiet in order to figure out where to go. To mediate, to seek God's face, to really know where you are heading...don't you need quiet? I have goals and lists and plans and projects...but can't figure out how to to move forward. I am encouraging myself but I just need to start from the beginning. Where is the beginning?

Monday, January 28, 2013

Trying to Figure It All Out

Yet i am not figuring out anything. I need to write, I want to write...

I started this blog months ago with that one simple sentence. How do we figure out how to accomplish all we want to do with all that we need to do. It seems daily my list of things to accomplish from day to day only grows longer...with no relief or help in sight. However, as a God fearing and knowing soul says that isn't where does my first step begin. How do I became a fantastic woman of God, that is an amazing woman and thoughtful giving person. That is a model employee, avid scholar, aspiring law student and painter, writer and fun?! That seems like a lot to be aspiring to be...however, I know...that in my heart of hearts it is possible and i will be fabulous...once i arrive there...but how do i start? Does it start with a new better paying job so that my mind isn't always focused on living with just my children again? Does it start with a new place regardless of what i am making and i just lean on God to help me work it out? How do i find the time, space and peace in my current living situation to do the creative, fun, wonky things that I like to do without fear of criticism and judgement. It is enough to make someone crazy. Literally and figuratively. But for now i will continue persevering knowing that i am getting close. i can almost feel the life i am meant to be living. i am going to continue to make steps forward and continue my faith and belief that my breakthrough is around the corner. I know my heart and soul i know it.

Until next time.



Relentless whispering spirit blows strangely after me. Wandering like a plum moon--deep summer sky He comes as gold breath...shadowy storm...