Saturday, October 8, 2011

The sense of smell

so i am sitting on the my boyfriend dozes and he wakes enough to say something smart. (shocked face for me) my smart response..."hush before i bite your nose off" he is asleep but responds "how would i smell if you bit my nose off" and hence came my theory on how the sense of smell is the most taken for granted of all of our senses. Since i am trying to write and looking for inspiration in even the mundane, I am bringing the debate to my blog. What is the most abused and taken for granted, lest appreciated sense?

Now since I have already identified that strange orifice on you face, the nose, as something that doesn't get near enough credit...i am going to establish my opinion there. Your the black community (which i wholeheartedly and even against some's acceptance, i embrace) the nose tends to be criticized often and harshly...Your nose is to wide, nostrils to big, the butt of many jokes and the bane of shame for some. But i propose that this strange and weirdly shaped "thing" holds so much power and _______ that we should stop at times to honor...the nose.

Think to a favorite memory. I know you will remember the sights and the sounds and how you felt...but if you think about it...really stop and think about it, I would bet you would associate a smell to it. That even if you smelled that smell right would take you right back to that exact moment in time. So even if you are trying to remember the sights and what so and so was wearing or saying...the smell would transport you with no need for additionally details.

I think of the smell of vanilla pudding. To this day when i smell vanilla pudding I am transported to a day when i was 8 or 9 sitting in front of my godmothers kerosene heater (and the smell of that) on a brisk and dreary sunday so sick because i had eaten all junk food all week. The smell of a pipe instantly makes me feel safe and loved because my daddy smoked a pipe for my entire life. Pipe smoke and flannel takes me to the red truck and the big tool box as we drove home for future problem solving practice.

I still remember the smell of my first born child (even though he is four now) and although i can't describe what he smelled was a truly exquisite smell i will call ben-jammin and takes me back to the sleepless days and giddy nights of being a brand new mother.

So to my followers (and i hope that more will join our ranks soon) share with us some of your memories and smells...fresh cut grass, sexy men's cologne, peppermint or just a clean linen sheet...what do you love to smell.

Thanks for reading



  1. I love the smell of freshly cut cucumbers! Great blog! :)

  2. Thanks! Isn't it crazy that some of our best and more powerful memories are associated with smells!! What else have you loved smelling today?



Relentless whispering spirit blows strangely after me. Wandering like a plum moon--deep summer sky He comes as gold breath...shadowy storm...